5. It may be of one of the senses of the survivor (3, 2, 3, 5) EYE OF THE TIGER
9. Greek island with a casino possibly (6) ITHACA (T)
10. Abandon foreigner who consumed concoction (8) ALIEN ATE
11. A slightly altered accident in the west (8) OCCIDENT
13. Frame the parent by chance! (6) ENTRAP*
15. Oh, you know who her son is, I am sure! (6) MEROPE (You-know-who's mum ;) )
17. Ancestor has no alternative, such is his position! (6) ANCEST*{-OR} = STANCE
19. Reappear with darned serges (6) EGRESS*
20. Seems like a successor is born during the course of flight! (8) AIRBORNE
23. Zoos for mice went haywire during the Reptilian era (8) MESOZOIC*
25. Lee dug his way out of the flood (6) DELUGE*
27. A couple of people conceived in a state of extreme distress (5, 3, 6) ROMEO AND JULIET
1. Supposedly mixing spice renders tea contaminated (6) SEPTIC*
2. One of the three making up the summer triangle (4) VEGA
3. Wipe out the face following the Finnish leader, we heard (6) EFFACE
4. Dirt’s back in the tangled nets, commotion’s raucous! (8) STRIDENT*
6. Shear Thorium near the fireplace (6) HEARTH (T)
7. A trap for birds involving a drink (3) GIN (2)
8. It’s an exhausting routine with rodents running around! (3,4) RAT RACE
14. It’s endlessly cognate with ballroom dances, looking back. (5) {COGNATE - C,E} <- = TANGO
15. A motleyed montage controlling all that is metal (7) MAGNETO*
16. An oral spat describing rustic countryside (8) PASTORAL*
18. The French left the Cardinal all messed up and sour… (6) CARDIN*{-AL} = RANCID
21. It supports the forearm along with the ulna (6) RADIUS
22. Let a genuine recession contradict the argument. (6) NEGATE <-
24. Oh yeah, it sounds like “Hear, Hear!” (4) OYEZ
26. Den of an atrocious liar (4) LAIR*
1. Anagrams are denoted by *.
2. (T) indicates a Telescopic clue.
3. <- indicates reading a part of the clue backwards
4. Dual implications are denoted by (2).
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